Barriers in communication with elderly people

Communication is a significant constituent of our lives. It serves as a tool for information exchange and sharing experiences, but most importantly, it is a form of entertainment. We communicate incessantly even while being unaware of it, not only verbally but also by means of gestures, poises or facial expressions, and thanks to that, we […]
Kolory Mojej Natury
What dose senior’s emotional life look like, and why is it so important to take care of it?

A majority of people’s experiences leave their mark in the form of emotions. They work as a personal regulator, encouraging certain behaviors or even filtering one’s thoughts. It is much easier to notice something that will strengthen the negative mood then anything that could change it. For that reason, the ability to distinguish between one’s […]
Memory and aging

According to the most common definition, memory is the ability to store and recall previously acknowledged information. It is divided into short- and long term one. Simply put, short-term memory stores the most current events until they are either forgotten or transmitted to long-term memory. If the memory is functioning well, that is the place […]